Projectlibre Change Language

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Setting durations in ProjectLibre Phillip Simon. Unsubscribe from Phillip Simon? Learn the Basics of ProjectLibre - Your Quick Start to Project Management with ProjectLibre - Duration. Language: English Location: United States Restricted Mode: Off History Help.

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Thanks for above hints - I just changed language and it worked out fine as follows: • Create a new folder ProjectLibre in user home directory (same level as MyDocuments) • Use command prompt: echo 'locale=en' > ProjectLibre projectlibre.conf (until here it did not work - but then:) • open the newly created file projectlibre.conf (with an text editor program) and delete the quotation marks (' '). In other words - the quotation marks should not be written in the file. Save and Close - and next time opening ProjectLibre it opens in English. So far so good:-) However - now I have another issue.

With the above steps I changed the language from German to English. And instead of Euro symbol the system now shows an awkward symbol - something like a little square. Does anyone now what this means?

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I would wish to keep Euros as the currency, while EN as the language setting. Anyone who can help???

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I've used this version for a few hours now. No problems at all. I even managed to change the language to Dutch.

You will have to make changes to the ProjectLibrePortable.ini in PortableApps ProjectLibrePortable App AppInfo Launcher. Replace: CommandLineArguments=-Xms128m -Xmx768m -jar '%PAL:AppDir% projectlibre projectlibre.jar' with: CommandLineArguments=-Xms128m -Xmx768m -Duser.language=nl -jar '%PAL:AppDir% projectlibre projectlibre.jar' PL will be in Dutch and the dates are in European format. Of course other languages are possible but I do not know all possible codes. I know this will be overwritten with a new version of the PortableApps package. Western union program de lucru. Thank you for building this package.