Delphi Exe Decompiler

Posted on admin

I am trying to decompile a file called App.exe. When I am trying to decompile this file using reflector it's getting an error that App.exe is not a.Net module. Seeing this image you can get a idea that what I am trying to say: Then I tried to check what language this file's written in using CFF Explorer. For App.exe it's showing this: And for VSM.exe it's showing: The two files are created by one company only but I cant understand why it is not decompiling. Can't a.exe file which is not created in.NET be decompiled?

  1. Delphi Exe Decompiler Free
  2. Windows Exe Decompiler

Delphi Exe Decompiler Free

Simply speaking, decompilation is the inverse of compilation: translating an executable file into a higher level language. Suppose you lose your Delphi project’s source and you only have the executable file: reverse engineering (decompilation) is useful if the original sources are not available. Hm, “sources not available”, does this mean that we can decompile other people’s Delphi projects? Well, yes and no. Is true decompilation possible? No, of course not.

Delphi exe file path

Windows Exe Decompiler

Pukana game words. Fully automated decompilation is not possible – no decompiler could exactly reproduce the original source code. When a Delphi project is compiled and linked to produce a standalone executable file, most of the names used in the program are converted to addresses.